Happy Sweater Weather! Some people call it October…I call it, “sweater weather.”

How do I love October? Let me count the ways!

A Sweater here, a Sweater there

Even though September can sometimes be cool, to me, October marks the official beginning of “sweater weather.” I don’t like winter, unless it’s a scene in a movie that I’m watching. The chill of October is “just right.” It makes me want to wrap myself with some of my favorite sweaters, shawls, and other creature comforts.

Thankfully, my husband is very much the outdoorsman, and whether we are at home or camping, I can count on him making me comfortable. This season is a great time for people to explore nature, especially if they never have done it before. The extreme heat of summer is gone, and the inconveniences of winter are still a few months away.


Birthdays & Memories

October is also the birthday month of many important people in my life. Sadly, we also lost some people who are dear to us this month, and I remember them fondly.


Entrepreneurial Journey

October is the month that I started my business 3 years ago. It had a been a dream for a long time, and I finally made it happen. I’ve learned so many lessons along the way, but the thing that remains true to this day, is that I have no regrets about making this decision. I’ll elaborate on this on the actual day of my anniversary in a couple of days.


The End of Election Season

Every 4 years, October also marks the last month of presidential campaigns. We can finally look forward to the end of the nuttiness that possesses the body politic, for months on end.


Your Turn

Is October special for you, too? Don’t be shy; chime in, and tell me about it!