How long have you dreamed to make a change? Do you see someone living the same dream you have for yourself?

In recent weeks, I have heard from people who have a dream to become entrepreneurs, or had other big goals. Yet, they have been stuck in a contemplative phase.

Life is short, and tomorrow is promised to no one. If you don’t start working now towards what you want, when will you? As you get older, circumstances naturally force you to become more conservative, and more risk-adverse.

You’ve heard it said before that time flies, and you have likely experienced that in other parts of your life. Likewise, all the storms and setbacks that you are imagining will also happen, as if in a flash, when you look back upon them. If you make mistakes, adjust your sails.

In a workshop I attended earlier this month, the speaker, Esther Darby said that “big changes feel like big threats.” When you are scared, don’t retreat; take baby steps. If you need a push, get someone who will hold you accountable and boost your confidence.

Late night commercials are full of examples of people going after their dreams, however silly they may appear on the surface. If there’s something you want to do, go for it. Only by taking action will your ideas be validated. Only by taking action will you discover better and faster ways of accomplishing those goals.

If it turns out that those goals are no longer what you want, that’s fine, as well.  You have the right to stop doing something that no longer works for you, but at least, give it an honest shot.